Wildlife (81 images)
Cold and Lonely
Young Moose in the Meadow
Prairie Warbler
Savannah Sparrow On L..pine
Snowy Owl at First Light
Dependence and Connection
Fox Kit Closeup
Blue Winged Warbler
A Summer Ride
Snowy Owl in Snowy Du..Pano
Loon Family
Snowy Owl Portrait
Male Pine Grosbeak
Kit in the Sun
Moose at Hermit Lake
Nap on the Back
The Fox and the View
Snowy Owl at Hampton ..each
Cubs in a Field
Carter Notch Fox
Twin Loon Chicks Napping
Geese Isolated in the Fog
Pile of Fox Kits
Leading the Way
Precarious Chickadee
Loons Tender Moment
The Stare
Young Moose in Autumn
Male Merganser Mating..ance
Hummingbird in Lilac
Barred Owlets
Chocorua Loon Chicks 1
Chickadee in the Snow
Presenting a Crayfish
Bluebird in Snag
Young Moose Calf
Morning Stretch
Snowy Owl in Snowy Dunes
Chipmunk in Spring
Snow Bunting on the Beach
Bluff Charge
Gray Jay on Mount Pierce
Three Meese
Ring Necked Duck in Snow
Under My Wing
Chocorua Loon Chicks 2
Perfect Morning Swim
Kit in the Saltmarsh
Yellow Warbler
Perched Pine Grosbeak
Snowy Owl Staredown
White Winged Crossbill
Chocorua Loon Chicks 3
Under Mother's Wing
Waterfowl at the Ice Edge
Yellow Rumped Warbler
Hoodie Two!
The Curious Kit
Loon and Chick in the Fog
Bear in the Blueberry..ield
Greater Yellowlegs
Loon Stretch In Mist
Kildeer at Sunrise
Fisherman and the Loon
Coy Baby Kits
Hiding Barred Owl
Looking for Dad
Turkey in the Field
A Watchful Eye
Pine Grosbeak Foraging
Get Off My Back!
Foraging Black Bear
Hidden Heron
Two Chicks on a Ride
Lee Tom Turkey IV
Female Pine Grosbeak
Under the Outstretche..Wing
Red Crossbill
Snowy Owl Staredown